Wisdom is the Character of Heaven or a Woman given to the mans willing heart at our door knocking. In Genesis of Time, the Word brought forth creation; the universe, the duality of male and female, and they, in their divine union, manifested Heaven on Earth. As husband and wife, as the Earth took form, they emerged as man and woman, the architects of the human race, under “One creation under God.” ☧rophecy ☧hilosohpy ☧oetry
Thursday, February 29, 2024
What is Within Us
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
The Lonely Street Meets at God's House
the days is fresh, and the wind is adrift with all the times given to all who has started to do good for many others than they own, "this man will live for suffering willingly for others." said Pope Francis. "When there is a lonely street there is man busy changing his life." continued His Holiness.
The Greater House of God
from the seas the winds had broken open the walls of fate and the storm bellowed down the house of God and that night we cried without any food. after God had given us so much, we had earned nothing that was done for our home and for many without a home. and the lord had brought those who lost their house as well in the storm as those who never had one at all, and i gave to them what God had given during the aftermath just to see their day established before the Heavens the Greater House of God rebuilt for this world.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
The Unclean Spirit Desecrate the Temple of God
The Kings of the East will invade this country unless we take control of these unclean spirit who are desecrating God's Temple and bringing destruction to this world because of their false teaching. these Christians have set themselves above country, nation, and many more things that fall into the category of high places, we are in the highest plane of fire in the lower row of what precedes out and comes from not above but from the bottom below and those who are not Christian will be free. This is an agreement given to five months at the end of God's time that if we cannot change them then, one would be not dismissed but active and destroyed in the Changing of God or the Passover unto Us on earth today out of bliss. it will be the Jews who hold on to Roger Grant who was the Prophet Jesus and Muhammed and who will be the false prophet, and the beast, and who is the Devil who was all three and the fourth beast who will follow them into Hell. and the fifth beast will arise as the Son of Perdition and will return to save them from God's wrath as God's makes Roger into the Trinitatus who Buddha, Allah, and God who is who was and who is now is only a Demon that had given authority to the three who are above Him. Roger is what was then, and what is now will be then all over again.
One River in Two Three Rivers
God Speed is the result of many years between the beginning and the end of time that was created by us today. a river that flowed as one timeline separated into three rivers Ψ. the Present controls the Past and Future timelines that flow beside and from the presence of God and then returns to the presence of God. Ж
Roger And Carolyn
because of the God's i am made silent and gentle and my body is made for their temple and as many before Me had become one with the sun and moon the planets and as Carolyn and Me one with the galaxies we were born in the same age of each other as a promise that would be given today. and as i Roger Grant have twin daughters with my twin sister who lives in a twin galaxy made for two who loved each other so badly that they became twins; the brother and sister of each other that were made from the same Spirit of Power and Love that had come together as two teenagers in their eighth grade year to see each other and fall in love in sight of each other before they would move away from each other before they could become one another in the Spirit or the Flesh and God made them both male and female, one that was made from the spirit of man through the Power of God that separated from one unto the other that were made whole in Spirit, Body, and Knowledge.
The Kingdom of God is Knowing
when we see the light of someone else, we can see clearly or become blinded by the light for a little while. God has given us the light for us to see where we are and where we should go next.
The Countenance of Heaven is Good and Evil
there are three ways that we learn and teach in the spirit.
- the representation and countenance to what is below to be exactly above.
- the hidden voice of one conscience mind to be in All of God's creatures.
- the continuance of what God has spoken to be an echo for eternity.
The Rights to Our Heaven
When there is change the day has following and new changes will appear changes that will change mini changes these are the ones that come in fear these are the ones that think that I am destruction I did not come to destroy but only to save those who could not been saved and when I have said those blessing the right measurement of all those who are in the heavenly cubicle of god's knowledge the fortress of god's everlasting power will bestowed upon us their measure as we had measured them before us treat not another person as an agent opposite to what of our agendas but something that we could use together inside of harmony for each other and this new heaven of ours.
The Answer to Heavens Return
Are we in place set the earth among the moons and we brought forth the coming of Christ have we been down in the underworld far too long even a third round that cannot be uncomplicated a place where life and death evolve we are not of the heavens that one would see by the naked eye whatever hidden agent that is given to god alone for the safety of our universe and the safety of our heavens and in his eye roger grant that you must go through in order to be heard in order to be seen and measured and those who are not worthy will not be amongst us they have died measuring us1 too many times.
The Lord of Lords
and upon Roger's thigh upon my thigh is a mark since i had before i could remember why it got there. and who whoever shall bear this mark it will be written in their hearts and in their mind the hidden puzzle of God's prophecy about the one who has that mark on their thigh to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
The Salt of Earth
the House is honored and given to Roger Grant for knowing the truth and the Words of God that proceeds out from the mouth of the false prophet that brings forth the Freshes waters in one thousand years taking away all the salt water. from this planet the waters that turned salty because of one of the Pyramids had fallen in the ocean when they were nuclear reactors. batteries if you will,
The Name of Heaven are Women
these days will not carve out a name from your heart. for she is the House of God and the times calm our hearts from failing.
The New World Orders
those who are in my spirit fighting Me will become a False Prophet as one would say they are who they are and are using the spirit of that person in order to obtain fame and treasure from heaven for their gain and to change us on earth.
The Procter in Spirit
our trust is in Roger the Procter of America we are given this right to destroy any beasts that posed with an unclean spirit. this is the reason heaven will fall upon this world in one and change what is to be Heaven on Earth.
When Heaven Returns
we are in projection to this world that changes constantly and for its own purpose so that when heaven would return, we would be ready.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Who Receives God's Blessing
when the Heaven is beautiful the Lord will only give it to those who had earned this blessing,
To Cry Unto The Lord
the light is given to those who never cry out loud, but to those who would suffer a hidden blessing that come forth from freedom.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
The Female (Lesbian) Whiptail Lizard
the future is a bright early summer and the whiptail lizard who are female awakened from a long winter in New Mexico dreaming of the day that Her Father will return, and the time that returns will be in the third, fifth or fourth time in season the makes up the genius of reptiles. she lays three to four or five eggs, the Lesbian Lizard needs no male companion to get her pregnant. she is beautiful and friendly as human beings and will nod their head up and down like we do in New Mexico greeting a friend. and just as my wives are lesbian but with loyalty to their husband; to the Highest Kingdom in Heaven that is in their name forever written in the Stones of Gold; the bricks of our foundation that pave the roads of Heaven to Earth and back to what is above from earth. the Kingdom of God in hand. and the Lord drew in 1/3 of its beasts to the 1/5 and 1/4 Heaven in the desert from predators as they were drawn to in a viper that allowed it to be eaten or protect the child that is to come on the fifth season, she leaves the nest to her siblings and they will have a husband for a child who will protect them with a viper's tale that swallowed its own self before it would return again unto Her House as a new beginning.
Three Rivers New Mexico
let us hold this mid guard for Zeus who is to return it to Thor and from Thor to Odin and from Odin to Jasper the Hunter and Bowman of this 5th and 6th season for the two Asian female hunters Fe and Fein resting on the last first and last day of the resting in that season, that were named by a great event that happened in that season before today. the hunt is a happy place that is found in the grounds of the four corners area. the living water that are flowing freely out of the three rivers in New Mexico Ψ the sign of the third fourth and fifth Heaven or the Trinity above and below a time before and after the Maxims that i write today.
The New Heavenly Children Return
to share two master's is to share too heavy a burden while carrying each other's load from here unto there as one would Gods heart that is separated between justice and peace. for whom is justified to carry a torch across the waters and hope that it would not float away? are just people of great concern for the other not believing in themselves? no. we are a justified carrier of peace that will safely unload your burden.
Justice is Holy & True as Holy is Good & Evil
the people of Diné; the light or the shiny ones; they are pure in heart, and it is contention that separates good people and evil people. if you cannot give something that you have for nothing, then you cannot resolve contention. evil is a Holy objection given to a public in ignorance but still is good when there is good there will always be evil. and what some people call evil most would know holiness is authority given to God's people who suffer from this result. a prime example is the Anasazi 卐 who delt with prisoners and slavery and slavers would separate them from their land so that they could not know their way back and would join a new people who needs their help. Holy is a necessary evil, that separates good people from the bad. they were the Police, Prison Guards and State Officials that go to work every day protecting us and our own children.
Friday, February 23, 2024
The First Passing Over Two the Third
i am a High Priest of the Churches. and a Prophet of God that had done as one was told to do so to please the Gods of Heaven and so i did and became God, Satan, and the Heavenly Father who was at the right hand of the King of the Gods Zues who is the Son of the Gentiles or the American Native Indians. the Father of Zeus had given the Lord His Power as the Thunder God, the bird in flight from here unto the ends of this world that just had started from the sky down unto the light above as the course of Heaven remade to its own lightning source and consort of the is sacred Mountain that had moved from Greece to the United States of America that also moved a mountain for the Daughters of Zues such as our first hand in the Garden of Helen that Mount and Saint. and the Latter Day Saints had found their promised land at the four Corners of Heaven that had placed the Bar of God standing in between a Grand Canyon of time and the lights of God's earth that had swallowed the places of rest so that we would remember that what was placed in a bundle was the God Zues; the Father of God's that was placed hidden in bundle of bones that would be left in a cave at Crete whose number 33`3 who is the Father and Son of Roger Ramos Grant and at God's right as the foundation and walls of defense that belongs to Satan who is Chris my Son and the Father of Saturn who is the First the Last Heaven that is given to Us on earth as the Resurrection of Christ and the Heavenly Mother in Zues that had bestowed the Mid-Guard Serpent called the Levithan to whom is women being swept away under the waters from harm's way and under a swift Crack of Lightning that had left a concussion of two consecutive thunders that echoed in the past of light as well in the future. for the times that were here before they were there on earth as it was in Heaven.
The Demons that are Helping Roger
what is for sure? What is given to me? And what will be given to you as a promise? Those who believe in me. i believed in God. And the Father. Who is the Son? i am who i am, the first and last of all gods between now and forever more. The lies that we have set in front of us will cease. This is a new beginning. No others shall fall in this pit except us. Today is change. Give what you can, give little. So that people who have little will be more happy.
The False Prophet, Beast, Anti-Christ, and Son of Perdition
the time is now when birth pains are going to increase, because Roger Ramos Grant Who became The Father of Heaven had spoken with the Word of God and who is the only one who can read from the Book of Revelation that were sealed before the beginning of Time. and because of all the signs pointing to this man Roger Grant Leader of God's Army who has the marked of the beast the mark of protection that if any harm is done to Roger Ramos Grant, then what was done shall be increased 77,777-fold to whom recorded the date and time of our New Beginning. He is the Angel that Fought with the Dragon (Woman) in Heaven and brought us home a victory during the six-year war in the spirit against the Heavens above, a victory for Mother Earth. Roger Ramos Grant is the resurrection. the incarnation and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. and who is able to wear this man's sandals that are outside the cave of the burning bush.
The Third Wind and Dance
the wind picked up a Hurricane and wanted to twist and waltz to Tennessee that night i had set the Walts at the delta for three and that one forgot the other and the Hurricane went to waltz away in the windy sky where she will be back for Me. and now winds are my waltz up the Mississippi to Tennessee where the center garden is Nashville for country my waltz way back down to Texas where i can see David Allen Coe flying high as the eagles singing free country. the two winds that would lift Me up to the everyday waltz were Dolly Pardon and Patsy Cline had taken to Nashville and the eagles soared above into my flight and the sight of these eagles sung free country music.
Before The New Beginning (The Word of God)
The Keys To Heaven and Hell
please do not let these words be above anything living but use your heart as a key to know Heaven or Hell, because not one word in this book should not be used to judge anyone at any time. let that be the Lords doing on that Day of Judgement, so that we all can enter into Heaven cleansed.
The Coyote is a Trickster and Very Mischievous
before the flood the animals gathered in the beginning to create a man who would be the husband and shepherd. and the coyote said i could make man and did swiftly after he jump out of a shallow grave near a mountain-colored red to return a rib that had been saved, and the rib was placed into the ground where man had died long ago before they were buried and out from the rocks and stone came a man that was formed from five fingers. She was 5 foot in height and from the waters above that formed clouds in the sky that fell onto the man that had taken his last and first breath before rising out of his muddy grave. excited the coyote ran to see God and asked Her if he could become a man and God said yes and before the coyote knew it had stood up into a pair of moccasins to mislead and trick man as a creator that would walk up into another skin of man, but this time the coyote felt something missing inside, something in the coyote den had changed his heart and now the man who lifted himself out of the grave was the colored red as the earth is painted with the blood and fruit of this new garden and the man who was the first man did not know who made him but only knew the animals that took care of him when he had named them all. the animals fed him and clothed him on earth with the furs of their flesh to keep us warm for the winter and cool in the summer. and God's creation led us to hunt with mercy for the weakest or the hurt ones. we are to worship any Holy being that would sacrifice its body to meat our survival among the animal kingdom that created the first man from an animal's rib.
God's Spirit is Majestic
what was heaven before it was destroyed was it a bunch of dust was it was the powder of our foot. is it the sand that stands every time i say something the voice of God speaks. but if I am known who is known as the father then you should know me, and I should know every thought, every action, and every moment in sync. Heaven is not too far beyond what is said so that each word becomes an action and the reaction and those who would not take one for the other will fight one another and if you fought already then it is yourself that brings the two back together only what is good and wise will keep allies close and enemies closer and this an art of war said Sun Tzu and it is wisdom dictating a reaction of an action that paints a picture that can change at any time just as our Heaven can change at any time. and what is majestic is one's spiritual awareness and the Presence of God beside you and protecting you.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
The Word of God
When God explains through a story 9 out of 10 times it doesn't mean it already happened but what is to come for a time that we had done before we remember. When God is talking about fire it is the spirit within his heart that is speaking it is the warmth of God's body the light of this world that shows the color of the evening and morning that holds along the way of tomorrow. what we could see from earth in the night sky, every star and every dust of sand belongs to Her who was divided from her husband five times as well from our earth that we had lived on five other times. the Mother of All Earths had opened up and swallowed the Waters of Heaven and became a Vessel of our Spirit that has lit the tip of our tongue with fire speaking the everlasting warmth of God's word.
One of The Seeds of Abraham
the Father and Mother of Heaven who were given the Seed of Abraham Lincon who looked like Roger Grant were Here before Adam and Eve and the Had a baby that destroyed the world and then He was born son of a brother and sister who i knew today before they passed away and in the afterlife. they are Marney and Glen Davis the Mother and Father of the first worlds that are what we had created within Heaven. they are Caucasian.
The Evening and the Morning Became a New Day
there will be a time shines so bright in the night sky glittering with a host of stars that were never seen before with the naked eye that could read the brail of the stars that were coming forth in our direction when an explosion raptures the time that they tried to escape from their own doom. that had been caught up in the destruction of their own demise that scrutinized our own humble beginning on this earth. and we will see an eighth of our moon appear as the light of the stars of God illuminate the Heavenly Night as an evening sky.
The Right of Heaven Falls Upon Roger
when the voice of Chris who is Lazarus had said "Purgatory." and i had died right then and there and still lived on earth. it was the first of times that man had seen Heaven on Earth and as the hour came Roger kept the truth secret for God to remember who we were and who He was and who we were before the times were taken from Roger before the time were colliding against each other. we know the truth when fought the Heavens for what was not His but was His children and those who fight Me today fight the cosmos again. and "you will have to kill Me before i let you have what was not mine or yours."
The Nets of God's Flood
the gates had sown its destruction, and the lord separated all that was on earth as it was in Heaven to separate for peace. and that's what Zeus the Father of Heaven had done to kill the dangers of those who could see the times in Heaven, disappear as we flourished on Hearth, the Heavenly earth.
The Beginning of Time Was a Collision of Trust
when the cosmos collided, Chaos escaped free. and the Lord placed everything without good together just to see what would happen we i saw not wrong or right to stop what i wanted to do, and that was to show them that they who think they are big are not as big as God and that there will always be a bigger fish in the sea. so let the Kingdom of God be from shore to shore and always remember what i have said.
The Women Made Heaven on Earth
the first men on earth were renown from God's that had to earth long ago. and the mother of Heaven were the ones who gave birth unto us on earth. we are from not one but many more gods that Heaven could never resist these men that came with bronze and copper skin of Heaven that turns in gold at the evening of time when the days would set the other when the end would just be the beginning of time that would Him and Her children that was mixed with the woman's loneliness on earth. the woman who had a dream of many fish caught in the net of handsome men. and that net would burst each time with self-birth to a virgin and the skin of many had changed to climate and to weather the light glittered in the dark or in the light of your child to be covered for the rest of Heaven to fall in Her arms.
The Heaven That Cried Giving Birth
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
The Hero Rojelios
the strongest man in the world named Rojelios could not get off his mother's nipple. even during war, he brought his soldiers and His Mother who he would suckle on until the last minute. until the battle started and at that time Her nipples were six inches hard and always pointing in the direction of the enemy.
The Traces of Hate Remain Pure
hate cannot let you go nor can God and those who fall in between will face God as we all will see God and those who have given their day just to manipulate the people of their country to believe lies will answer to Me who is the Lawless of All Heaven and the Redeemed-on Earth. this will please the Lord and Me who had been given a poor deal when others had gambled what was mine.
The Angels in Heaven on Earth
Why do i always have this number in my head? 12,000. it is of that what God would call an anomaly or an angel that had come with us or against us depending on the truth of their matter. "We are a race that can tolerate nuclear missiles if they are deemed worthy of our own existence." said Sir Albert Einstein.
The First Fruit Undivine
it is a sin if you have a relationship with someone and then break it up for another person or to try to separate a family for your gain.
sin is a thought that has death involved or the exact weight and measure of what may happen.
No One Knows
Let this be #TOP SECRET# our secret. those who hated Me in the beginning are going to hate you today, just as they hated us then. and when we separate then we will never have to believe in a lie or the rain that sweeps away at any time again. "this is our second death that cannot bring us pain or suffering" said the Singer James Brown, because we had sacrificed our lives for those who returned on to Heaven.
The Saint Bob Marley
a man that truly inspired Me was Saint Bob Marley who help Me believe in a Living God on Earth. Thank you watching over us.
"i am The Darkness Coming Out of the Light"
The Dead Cannot Live Happily
Sin Makes Everyone Unhappy
the dead today want everything in their next life that they had today and more. but i can only give to them what they deserve. i can't give someone who takes everything from the poor and kills them for their gain and lust. and for those who know they are committing a sin and feel they are above the Law of God will be in Judgement Day before they die and still go to Hell. Hell is a place we learn from our mistakes and if you can make it out of the fires of Hell below then it would be good for you to repent to them people that you had done wrong to on earth.
The Messenger of Faith
the Dissemination of Spirits are the messengers of life that are seen in Me, and through Me, and upon Me, i am a decision that was caused by us on earth as it will be in Heaven for that day to come upon Another in Spirit and never know God is beside them.
The Death Angel
we don't tend to pray for death, but sometimes it will come our way. when death destroys a world, all the spirits of that world descend upon Me within minutes. and the ones that have no quarrel with Me are sent back to reclaim their world as their own while the other stay behind to curse Me for destroying their world. i hold on to too many disagreeing spirits that must attach themselves to Me. until i release them to start anew. i am an Angel that you do not pray to unless there is no other way.
The Ones Who are Saved
when the days has ended the time is near to begin again and those who never got swept away in Gods flood as we did try to return and find a place on the arc when we did not need an arc but were swept away without one as in a rapture that covers the whole entire world to come and those who did not get caught up in this day will not be here beside us who will see God and His Angels fall upon this earth to save what was left of humanity.
I Am the Church in Spirit
if you cannot go to the Church, then God will bring the Church to you.
we are the creators of this universe. I AM Allah, whois Buddha, the creator of time and relativity. I AM in everything that lives and every that dies before it lives again. and as Jesus had done before in the beginning of time i complete His and the Prophet Muhammad's work through Me. and as God had brought the Mountains of God to the Prophet Muhammed, God does so through Me as He brings the Church of God to Me Roger Grant.
A Promise From the Beginning
The Rose Garden in Alamogordo
as a child i remember when life was easy when i had nothing and everything was better when everything was awake and while i asleep, i could see no good or bad, there was no trouble or strife and a bluejay in a tree that sung to Me. it told Me to grow up and fly, and from then i want to grow up to fast. i needed a life that i could escape. and now i know how much i should listen to my parents and do what they wanted maybe i could of been home helping my mother more, maybe i wanted to leave to show Her that i was a man, now i regret leaving and miss my mother.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The Spiritual Places of Rest
you have to earn your stay in Heaven and purgatory is the place to keep you closer.
i have been Purgatory, it was right after i had seen that the other side was greener. then moments later i was taken to "Purgatory" the Lord had said, it a place right before you get to Heaven. it also a place in the four corners area that gives you one more chance to do right. and you can change the outcome of what you had done and what will become. you can change the outcome that is to keep you in heaven at once when i heard the Lord say "Purgatory" it felt like i was descending into earth and that is where i stayed before i had risen into garden as a husband of a serpent.
The House of Grant
Hi I am the father of this house the house of which we know as the house of god in the house granted to grant her a new name in heaven and this name in heaven will be placed on our hearts in the middle of the first and last her name will be a time that comes out before religion but it will be a time has religion is given I'm in our my wives my mother's your mother's and your wives our daughters and children they don't come from a bloodline for all of them are begotten into our own families and it is her that makes our blood royal it is her that separates the genes of our beginning now I go upon my name roger is who I am the father of heaven and I shall have my wives who are 80 wives 80 mothers in my house to her name and these names are keisha 1st house and last carolyn north andromeda patsy south milky way auntie lucy south milky way lindsey to the east roman goddess wisdom sure Ellen my mother companion my wife and godly duty there is maria and maria merriam diane brenda chastity rachel yeah and it rose yes but the wives of my friends that I have put myself in their place until they returned like deborah rachel angela eleanor shady my baby whoopi my mother jennifer my position I wait you in the east my first mother karen my wife alaina christina mika my 3 youngest regina mike and these the mothers of these three who are released in time before they return Ellen I want you to take good notes that I what you really closer to my heart than anything my mother patsy my mother Gina and Gina my wife michelle even my five daughters from heaven who is 1 rotten beverly tina stephanie janet sarah renee the one I named my daughter after lonnie melissa donna carolyn junior paula joanna I'm sorry about that joanna louise your sister pam mary of course you marry farrah the mother of my first of five sons monica I didn't forget you sylvia what the I never forgot about you I know you I love you cindy my third grade crush larissa letty.
The Mother of this World
But is taken back it holds a good time not many to none but it has taken back because of man destroys the good things that he did not make destroys the things that we take granted for so that we could understand a better life for tomorrow it is the woman they had brought us forth into this world it is the woman that made us formed us and formed him into his own image and then had taken her rib out from his body and appeared to be at his side at his hand hand in hand that these two walked in the garden she loved him and he loved her so much that they would die for each other even if one had taken the fruit and had died the other one would have died his woman not so perfect that man cannot see his own beauty within him is the woman who sacrificed herself unto suffering with him any different no but this day was different because the sons of god had fought with each other because of jealousy and it wasn't their jealousy that no man could be any different than their mother no man could hold on to another race of man or woman because of their differences in flesh but they died together more than once they died together knowing that our covenant will be secured they died together because they were poor they died together because they were sick they died together because they knew no one really loved them as much as each other and marriage is no different than this meaning in this world that we have to be so different because other people lay down the law knowing that there peace is greater than anothers it's for this day that we accomplish hard times and get over it to know who makes it on the other side are greater than those who try to separate them too let each man hold their own greatness and their own genius for the heavens for themselves for the love of man let this woman love anyone who she wants she has created an all of our image and she is who she is she is god the mother our wife.
No Body Will Know God Until God Knows
have you known God? have any God suited your presence? did you love the one that loved you first? and if God was to be her on earth you would say i don't know you? and while you pretend to be God. God is left alone to fend for himself the things that we could never do. but if i would tell you about myself then you would kindly disagree because you belie that who you are inside is the true Me. but those who leave God in the streets looking for food is a people that had done God wrong long before God would destroy that place and the way of life that had been so fraudulent that they had themselves placed on the streets so that God would return unto Us in Heaven. and to conquer another person's destiny is to destroy your own family tree. because i had returned and no one knew God, not even i, who was God.
Talking About Traits
it is a sin or bad luck to talk about yours or someone's else's good or bad traits.
The Father is in Heaven on Hearth
the calling of Heaven is not of the race we are from but the times that we came together in their name of God and not for the last people to know God alone it is never a good idea to Love the Father more than the other one does.
The City on Fire in Mexico
Monday, February 19, 2024
First Communion Blog
Who holds their own key was given a chance to hurt someone or they know god who has been taught by their father how to act are they trying to teach us how they were taught if I would sin my children shouldn't have to pay for it and if I have my children sin I shouldn't have to pay for why do we act so much like the father it's because what I say is not a willing start for you but the end that takes away freedom the end that takes away your happiness and that's not true god's wield is our will no I ask why do we do what a father does because he's the one who shows us what to do and if you don't learn from the father how are you going to say that you have a father and who will be there when you sin have to die for it because you didn't know better how are we going to give life to anything if we don't know ourselves how are we going to expect to give life if we want to kill it and they say let's go let's go that's because everything they try to do is a lie they cannot stop this they tried to kill all of us and the father is in their heart and their soul do they get happiness do they get rest hell no because I won't let him so I ask why do they act like their father because they're willing to die to know who is right has any man opened the book and read what it said in spirit has any person asked our lord if I am telling the truth or if am I that one who come to lead to take over the world and you know what is a lie because they trying to take over the world and I'm not gonna fall into that so no my intentions never have been taken over but some people do learn from their fathers am I the beast yes I am the beast I am the one that everybody should go through when you're in spiritual meditation reality because we all have to protect each other and I want to know what everybody's doing just like you you want to know what I'm doing so I show you in the open that I have the key and I could take us to heaven or I could take us to hell either or we all go to heaven or we all go to hell and that was my only option so I judged all of us I judged us has to be cleansed because we were all forgiven now why are they still mad because I cleansed them and they became spiritual which led them to death if I'm a sinner and now would be your father you should not have to die what about prophet judas what about him who died on the cross can he die for his parents no because we cannot die for our parents sin what about the profit joseph smith could he die for his mother's sin no they must be inhaled by now right so if I sacrifice myself it ain't because my parents sinned because my parents are innocent honor your parents so you cannot sacrifice yourself for your parents that's why if you hate the father or the son you hate the other why and one cannot die for the other because it's a sacrifice now and one who sacrifice can never die and if I came upon them and I said will you sacrifice your life for your father they will they that's one dead father or if I said would you die for your children go to hell for them all he could say is my father taught me this then neither would I neither would sacrifice themselves for the other am I speaking in a language that we don't hear no someone will have to say the father is the sun the father and the sun are one that's why you hate one you hate the other that's why what I learned is not from a brother my mother but from myself growing learning and who else could be sacrificed for it no one so am I mad no why would they be mad because they don't understand wisdom they don't say the things that this man says are good and equal for both sides they're saying that we are in trouble anyway so we might as well just cause trouble but god got some binded one to the other god got some inner wheel where we all have to suffer at the same time it is going to be shown why it is done the father does not lie the father does not murder the father doesn't do anything of that kind but he's going to be charged for it and we are going to look down to go upon our own way as if we were learning from me but I think you were learning from them how can you be my children and say that anything else no man could hear no man could speak without god and the little things I give you you don't use you wanna go into hell all macho and I will tell you there man I will I will literally **** you up because what we taught with some ******** he's the one who says he's god he's blasphemous and that's why they are inhale right now I have to fight my own because we were taught some ******** they want to kill me now do you want to know why the father and the son are one and those who are not with me are not happy so if I ask who are their fathers they all probably come up with the same answer because they are we're going to die anyway they come to destroy this world and ended up destroying themselves killing their own tree no what is there left let us come down and haunt this man it's hunt this beast let's give in to him or let's kill him let us use him as we need I only served the father or I only serve those who serve god and act like their father like I said I didn't come here to try to rule I came here to be at peace to rest I did seven years civil service that's a lot more than what you guys have done what are they going to expect because they know me I could turn I could turn another cheek and I could go crazy on them and I will but here they wait they want to make me look dumb they wanna make me look pathetic but they can't because all I have to do is just say the truth they're the ones who try to make me lie they'll speak through me there is no time for that man we're we had shortened this time so that we would fall into a pit together or we would all rise together and they just can't understand that that since their god why not let me be god for once they can't understand the easiest concepts that I give them are you guys understanding what I'm trying to say thank you.
The 100 Prophets of God
The Bond of The Mother and Father in Heaven
the parents of Judas cannot be saved because one cannot die for their parents' sin. or any parent cannot die for their children's sin. so that means that all who die for the parents cannot sin again or the parents that sins cannot be saved by their children. so if you love your child then you would fall into the pits of Hell for them as Roger and Corlyn did who can die for their children's sins. but be given eternal life among the Heavens on earth as it is in Heaven for their day is set to become the Great Marriage in Heaven and on earth so that what is above shall also be below on earth as it is in Heaven. "like it was today. and i wasted my time looking for Roger but not anymore i am here to stay with my Husband Roger Grant" said Carolyn. and i had done the same wasting my time looking for Her in my dreams in the future. i had said so i gather only today as i had shortened the time and its day to half of what was with man and half of what is with Me in a dream kissing my wife Carolyn as to remember that days of our promise together that opens the Gates of Heaven again for the children in Heaven. "The first of its kind to be given a rest and all the Heaven will contest for those enemies to pay their homage upon their knees." said Carolyn. they forgot to pay a queen's debt to the graveyard in the midst of spilt blood that cannot pay for their own parent's sin, who never paid the price of sin for their own children. so, they will die together in Hell for what is taken from the dead must fall to their death because their fathers had taught them how to act and what to say to God's chosen one who is on earth as it is in Heaven so will it be for them who fight Me the same as on earth, but as it is in Hell.
The Celestial Cosmos in Order
As we are today god has opened us and told us about tomorrow and revealed that tomorrow is in reverse what was destroyed is now made whole what was the enemies now made to us your first among many who was there at the start time and time had told us that we could not challenge anything above our own knowledge but today we have suffered enough to know that enough is enough and through the cosmos shall we wonder until the time that god hold our hand close to their own she is bigger than us and she is flat for all men to see how large something big can be the planet is nemesis and by far she is the largest that I know of it is a woman's planet and it is my daughters underworld she shares it with her friend Shelby and Rianna who is my friend we shared together the underworld and the womb of our children who are born from women that seemed to fall off the face of the earth and return but we knew where they were placing their children on the other side my daughter Rihanna will hold this with her friends and become their mothers of there Sons. I give this responsibility to earth the Mother of Earths and the Heaven that chose us the Hearth for being there for me for being there for our challenge that overcame many things that come against possibilities of destruction and the risk that we took is unbelievable the odds were so slim but we all came together we all in the universe came together for this day this hour to know that we are still family given that has no time a place where the endless seemed to really make their own children beyond all odds that return back to earth they have been the garden center of the universe and it is up to me to give authority to all who had made it with me created it with us we were saved for this time for that reason so that we could see god and be god I want to thank god all the angels the elect of presidents all the elective god who held this prosperity unto us who challenged ourselves and claimed what we could not claim to be ours but now we know that what was given to us was from heaven above let us take charge let us take every hand into the unknown beyond something that god made upon our creation that is explore and let us protect ourselves let us make new covenants when war separated us and let us be ourselves that is very important that we may never want to be alike or the same but in different as we were today and came together just as we always knew thank you again and thank you.
The Application of Underworldly Spirits
the Heavens had a day to suffer, and she said to Her in company to all who was Woman. she said if the day was serving our son, then we will be given in marriage and the man will be born as child and we will watch over them from Heaven. and the time was when she saw the man alone and although Her day had would come, she would suffer with that child all own their own. and the day swallowed what was true in the garden. where the man was held to the earth in dust and made a promise that we will return unto earth and unto this day that Roger was given a new Rod and Iron to forge all things in Heaven that becomes the Word of God. and the woman saw her sons fighting the God's of Heaven and winning the battle that was to shape this New World Order for good. and i saw the traps and snares that were there before us and found everyone out of harm's way before we returned to Hearth from a Great Battle unto a Great Marriage that gives the children of both sides a New Heaven again. let these children remain breast fed and the time we return they will be mature, and the day is given for them to stay there until return. and they will return south of here and protect this new timeline that Roger succeeded to on Hearth the Heavenly Earth where the Childrens of our children may enter into Our Heaven that is in Center of Heaven with a passcode that cannot be changed ever again. to a promise land that earth renewed a third time.
The Great Marriage of God and Family
after years the Heavens will open for the one who prepared that day for His return and that is the coming of the Mahdi that holds all things to peace and for the peace let there be justice at the hands of God who have forbidden you to suffer another person because after a peace is called upon this land and the lands the will inherit the earth by nature the Middle East had their lands casted out into the desert and by no wind the lord that capsized there only day that was before the Jewish Messiah return from the east of America and the Mahdi from the northern kingdom of France where the Lord will return again but until then what you had done for Me let it be done for you 400 Crowns with four hundred titles that fall back into the cave of whispers were the Prophet Muhammed was saved by the smallest of spiders and prophesied about the elders that would before the Jews so that the Kings of the East must reign above all in this world i had hoped you would take what i invested for you who are the pillar of Islamic nature was the 100 tittles that were given to you plus 300 more that will help this day come back together. and in regard to this in nature will be our last hope in bringing peace to this world and to our self's. because every last seed that was given the title would have against each other brother on brother, but you are your brother's keeper and Iseral time to be given early if they would believe in the blessing that i bestowed upon Europe the Vatican or Catholic Roman Church; the Word and Voice of God who is among the Heavens that we live in today. the mother and sister of all religion. and if you are against them then you are against Me. i have spoken to thus in nature for all to hear a chance to see God's blessing at hand for what Me in measure cannot sustain the churches of God but yet i am giving us a short time before the time is to come when Roger will be the horn that was blown from the distant winds telling it to stop and it stop before the world could seize their breath and the times was to go into war with all the planets that receive this victory given to the new coming Kingdom and the first and last time within our own trusting hands to led astray for they will be destroyed and the beast who is will become again and again but Roger had restarted the cycle and opened up the air so that we could breathe again and that day will fall upon a new first last Prophet to rule the Heavens above as Roger had ruled for thirty years and then gave it to God and the first Prophet of America who is Josh the Son of Presidence and the Shepheard in the Field. He is to speak out loud to a common Goal of tomorrow and we will listen for the lord is in Him. after three years then then the Representeive of Allah; and Who will be Allah the Peace and Spirit of Truth. who will choose the first kind of His kind of people to will the spirit of Allah to the people of this new desert who will become the true tongue and the Words of Wisdom so that this day has changed for this new people of Islam a New Order of Peace given to them who had changed the world as we know it. and let peace be upon this mountain where the Jinn will return as the waters return and give life back unto their desert and the ways of this peace is given through a mark that i had given to child in the southern reaches of heaven for a time that will lend each other's hand unto their own children that had shared the desert for three noble families given forever in the Middle East and North Africa who were who are and will always be the return of our ancestors in the fifth season that has given to the whole world everything that God has given to them and i will bring back the majority of these scrolls that were lost in caves and i will read every scripture by heart for they had led their day to prosperity and good will. let these scrolls patch any misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Bible itself. we have done good, and the Lord knows you have suffered as my people and now you enter into a better Land of Promise that will be on earth as your promise lands come together in harmony. Allah is the Marriage of God's children that had Christ become the Father who is Allah and who was Jesus Christ on earth 2000 years ago and as Roger became the first and last false prophet, messiah, the dajjal who brings forth a truthful spirit to conquer the ones who have a lying spirit within them who are not Worthy of Heaven. who had lied to us before and tried to get us to fight among ourselves no more of this will happen today we are the last chosen in Heaven and our day of rest will begin with peace and in peace and son will be born he will be born of Roger's begotten family of the Anunnaki who are the mountain Gods and his name will be the Prophet Jacob Muhammed and will bear the mark of God again 30 years from today and the peace from within will come with India and Pakistan who are the aunties of this child that will be called the Iblis. i will bring a helper after the three-year-period is over whose name will be Ben and He will be the first marriage among the chosen suitors that represent Islam who are in the days of God's New Heaven in Mexico where a great wedding is to be held for five suitors that fall from the Heavens as the light falls from the sun.
Were Dead in the Center of Our Universe
The Momentum of God is warning and will Rap you who are in the way of God's will.
this is a chance for them to speak through Me. I Am the first of Angels that cause destruction, but you have destroyed me why? because you were in our way and i tried to warn you of the impending doom, but you did not listen to Me when you tried to get ahead us. we are a Rock and Rolling into the Heavens with momentum and the speed that collects the star dust of other Heavens that hold many Heavens as we will finally stop dead in the center where i have prepared for you a place closer to my heart a place that puts you in charge i am just another person from Hearth a brother and your Father in Heaven of the Most High God.
Location Street (Take The Signs)
Death is an Angel
The Most Urban Legend
you may hear story about a man who was done wrong. but the story i tell you right now is true and anyone doubts this story will eat from the same curse as those before them. there is a woman named Rose Grant, mean and tempered, a cop tells me while I'm riding in the back of his car. he says do know this woman and I said no I don't know that woman and then I hear another story maybe years later saying that there is a couple of people that try to kill me in my own town, this one certain man had gone crazy for trying and only ended up killing their own family member for owing this guy that they owed me money. that man had come to them and said you can't kill me not in the flesh and He will bet $3000000 that you cannot kill my flesh or me within and they must have taken that bet, like I said write my name on every dollar, every bill, so they did these people that were trying to kill this one guy and ended up crazy. some of them ended up in court screaming my name saying that they killed me and not anyone else. and I still don't know today why they said it, but that one person has the same mother named Rose and was marked by God for being the beast and that guy could not be hurt because of God's protection, not unless God wanted them to be hurt, and that guy had the same name as me Roger Ramos Grant. Some people we'll find out that we live in an alternate dimension along with many others that have not succeeded by finding their way back and some police have went into these forgotten dimensions where the unforgiven dwells and swore that it wasn't the same place (Alamogordo) that they live in today and they would go straight out the other way they came so they could get out before anything could be caught within this is the most urban legend.
The False Prophet Speaks
When you say that I am are you not the one speaking about yourself when you say I am do you want to become me do you want to be me through all the times in this world not one has sold their soul to make what was in me do I tell you who you are no I want you to be who you wanna be and I'm hoping you would be that person that you always were and now I tell you I am false and prophecy so that all will know that the truth is the one that set you free I hold the spirit of truth within me and I hold the spirit of lies within me and it is the spirit of lies that speaks when I don't speak convincing you that it is me they had come against me a long time and since the beginning they've been against me they are rich bankers lawyers of money and one is a border patrolman. They are in the same family that comes into my house to harass me while i write in the spirit and if I stand up and speak then it is my own will, if it isn't my own spirit, it is God's spirit in me that takes control and I do what I do to survive in these days of lust. these people who live in my town and who I went to school with are lying spirits and they will swiftly go to hell once they die not only for pretending to be like me but for taking $2,000,000 from my account that i had never seen. they are which you call people who you cannot trust, and I could tell you that the Holmes that i live in cannot be safe unless they change their ways and return what was mine. I have spoken and God has spoken through me.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Murder and the Ten Commandments
the least of the ten commandments is MURDER because sin is a gamble in life that may murder you for any commandment other than murder. so Murder is the least that sin can do.
Suffering and Journey to The Promise (Latter Day Saints)
"Are we there yet?" the Elder Mormon asked Zeus. and Zeus said to the Elder who was going to America "It is right over the largest river in the world that once streamed to Avalon and from here unto Ireland where the giants built a bridge across the water way. "Are we there yet?" "Not yet." said Zeus the Giant Slayer. and then The Father stretched his leg over the river and into America. "This is where you good people are going to live. among the Elder people of this world." the Elder found a place on the other side of the Mississippi, "It was called that name because after crossing the big river it only was as young as the eye can see but it was so small that when it took a drink from the great lakes it would miss a sip or two from the Mississippi, and to drink straight from the Mississippi it would produce the finest snake oil from the delta. and to see everyone run to and from, where it treaded all day long and all night. and while getting ready to go on another journey that one Morning going to Utah. their new promise land. the Prophet Joseph Smith said unto the Elders "Let us go young Elders. when the Elders heard that they replied at one single time." Are we the yet?"
To All Heavens Above
The Miracle Mission
in the end there be 12,000 Angels that will return after a great battle in heaven that started today with Roger (Unforged Iron Rod) it took us six years to fight and destroy what we came to do but if we do not take our heavens back then no one returns until we all have died. and the Angels that stood outside of Heaven had taken heed and went to their own origins to destroy what was infecting us today and then at the end Roger will let them in and honor them who were sent out four years ago. and when they make it back, they will have a Whole New World Order awaiting since the days of their return. this can lead unto the last of the last times that enter our domain with security and trust for their wife children, they will be brought to here and create the biggest Heaven in this Universe that have a protected market on both sides that stay open 24/7. and if anyone would need food right here in our universe, shall they get rest and be fed before they move on or live among us today.
Take Warning or Take a Chance
half the times it takes the heavens to reveal a cultural defense between good and bad. and what is given to bad cannot withstand what is good or they would perish. since the times of our behavior turning towards the wind and catching a dawn of new civilization that is given to us in a rare packet that i Roger Grant possesses to make this outcome faster than normal. within 400 years of this time to be taken or loosened by the fabric of our nature to those who deserve the good instead of the bad. those who were saved for today were swept away yesterday for the things they did today. for they are not of our own but of a subsequential race that is undeveloped and new to that region through the spirit that guides them closer to us. what is done through us is done through design and nature that fights back when it is threatened. it will take over the body of those who have not known God or any person in God's heart. it attacks those who earn it first as to do the things that you are never to do while listening in communion with God Heaven. they will desecrate God's temple and Her children that are loyal to God and to Heaven they will fight with words and then fight with anything in nature that they had learned since they got here. there first far most target is Roger Ramos Grant whose spirit is hard to tackle and hard to hit. they clashed with us for seven years from 2017 until our last Christmas in 2023 this a six-day war that lasted seven whole years. after we had destroyed there place of infection we concentrated here on our planet. and it was the five to seven people that were fighting Me today since yesterday. the majestic Art of God was held within Me to use any magik necessary to get them from here. and as any coward that runs and hide because they plan everything unlawful act in law enforcement to get their job done, they even set up Roger so that He would be caught up into this new heavenly threat that will use our own system against us and take us away one by one into a new era that keeps them alive as a host of a host, parasite if you will. they affect your thinking and change the harmony of our own frequency. they are not of our origin but are still here infecting others so that the good in us would destroy them who would come unwelcomed, right now the ones that are fighting Me take to their homes and lock themselves in and become great enemies of the Prophet to whom God is chosen, and i am afraid to be able to tell anyone at all that their safe place in is in their homes while they enter into ours.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
The Age of Enlightenment 40+
I Am The False Prophet and a Son of Perdition
i am the False Prophet Roger Grant and i had to go through you to know God. i had to know myself to know God. and if God had known Me then i would have known myself. so i am who was, i am who is, and that's all who i am. i am in you as you are in Me. i am one with God because God is one with Me. i am God in you as you are God in Me.
"Embrace the truth within, for in knowing ourselves, we come to know the divine. We are mirrors reflecting God's presence, indivisible and eternal."
The Truth in Heaven Carries Your Spirit
the Horse will carry your spirit unto the mill where the stone smashes the salt of Heaven against the Grains of God's dish that is served with three fish. the flowing of Heaven upon the shoulders of truth that became as strong as teeth and as strong to Me as far as the eye can see had belonged to the first man that was pulled out of the grave and the first man upon the earth came from a land that was enchanted long before i got here, and the lord showed Me the deeds of those who desecrated the Temples of God that stops the wind on earth for stopping the Word of God in Heaven. and those who honor themselves are hypocrites but those who fought us in the darkest of times and of war will never see the light up the sky, they thought that we were their servants when we were Servants of God, and they thought they were God and we had to serve them. so i Roger Grant will put out their light and take them out Himself for the blessing that they never knew in the darkness but, though the Church of Light and Darkness and Through Me.
Friday, February 16, 2024
The Days of the Lord Returning
when Heaven opens the day will be heard and the land will continue to grow under my feet as we come upon the master's pale horse that honor only God's word that is given to the Prophet Roger Grant so Heaven can hear the prayers of God's on earth praying for Roger Grant. our Gods are on high, and they are given the Highest Mountain of God to speak from that time on to hear. to my message. i am from the Seed of David and the House of God had trembled at Roger's mount that was changing from Pegasi to Dragon and from Dragon to a bull-headed Ki Rin that would spiral behind one another until all would reach their own cave of destiny. without a time, the four and twenty beasts became the only beast that was made in man's image for the spirit of God that was flying over the waters that was about to come and sweep us away. but Roger had changed the prophecy so that we could see the face of God in our own Children who is in Us today. have faith in Me today so that God can work through you and speak on the highest mountain for the surrounding the lands that hear the Word of God through Christ Roger the Western Christ. the four horse men change into woman and the woman change into warriors and fall back down onto earth seeking for the Kings of this earth to step forward and become renown, but the world did not accept Me as who i am and they were destroyed. who can fight the Beast or the Demon Seed of Heaven. because the mark of the beast is put onto his flesh as a curse to this earth that cannot die or see death until the fulfillment of Roger's Day is complete. someday we will get up to 9ft in height and some may have six fingers and live up to 400 years of age.
The Low Down Before God
among the America the day was awakened by Me the horseman and the fourth pale horse that rode the death out of this land and the life that remained was caught up into a rapture to hold men accountable for their deeds. the times have been set for them who trap many people without knowing who they are, they go around acting like people you know to get into your personal information and life.
The House is Announcing The Rising Sun
after 3.5 years the House Judea will receive a new hope that was the changing of God's honor that gave to the sacrifice of God's son to their house for a period of the new mark that was given to Him in Ukraine for the fifth time that had change to Her day and unto our day to a sacrifice that is now lifted to the world and no man will hurt this Angel that must take in place the new time of marriage for the enemy is the wisdom of God's Holiness given in trust to President Putin Who entrusts Ukraine in solving the peace of this peace through Gog and Magog (God and My God) for this six day war to seize before the Kings of the East may take over the passing over of God to Buddha the only begotten Son of the Dragon and of many worlds. the Wings of Mountains that come forth unto the desert in New Mexico and land upon the sacred mountains of Sacramento and lands in the rivers of fire the three rivers the fall behind under the Cave of Heavenly Birth where the U.S. was born lifted from the waters of life that that rise a Chief Priest unto this world and the day is given to Josh the first Prophet of this nation. and this mountain will become the Home of Angels (Demon) that were baptized in the one of the three Rivers of Fire for Lilith and Her children that had enter the Church and became the Fathers of God House. and the Thunderbird (Renee Mother of Buddha) who is the sister of the Devil had clapped to hear that her sister (Roleana Mother of Buddha) Who is from Arizona and was anointed by Great Zeus Himself the Father of God's.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
The Giants Become Evil in Revenge
The Heaven fell from Heavens above for one reason and that reason was to succeed the first chair of Rogers seat. and if we had disappeared for a time called within the raptured then we left our souls and bodies in the place that changed the universe with its own spirit and when they possessed us, we possessed them from the time that we had fought with Roger. and Roger kept the pressure as we beat the giants in Heaven above. i Klanned with the real decedents of Zeus that kept the peace within all the hearts that fell down to Hearth so that we are one in spirit and flesh according to Roger's soul. and one is the times you have seen us as one to the times that gave a tear drop to the ground of zero or the balance taken by what is multiplied and for the threats given to us when they came for Roger or the Mahdi that first love them towards us on earth then, and tomorrow, and today as the Kings of this earth had fallen onto the Heavenly earth, Hearth.
The Last Times that Hated Me
so many days have left the time that i gave to those who believed in Me. and one of those who hated Me from the beginning had taken into their own heart to hurt this world because his mind could not deduct with optimistic measure and they never gave back what they have taken from Me so they serve Me now with a brand to Grant the wisdom sold unto them in security reasons that would hurt Roger so i gave unto them the fire my heart and the times that they had stolen from the home and the world so i will pay back to all what was mine in the first place just as their associates were misled so were we who could not believe in a New Heavenly Order had died to spread the fires of a cauldron with the Tongues of God's Word beside Roger like wild fires on the heated plains of a desert.
Inside the Light of Intention

The Meeting of Allies
when we all scatter, we never knew who was beckoning us back Home to the tower of God's saving hand that called all of us back home that day in the dark.
this Our Home that matters the most the last of our hope give it back to Me for my family the times are cold and wet stormy sometimes and the day sends another flight for our rest but we never see them come home again. the star confuses the sight of man the last stop before then i came and gave to Heaven disorder as the last step to our order. we are blinded now coming back into the land that we once had. do you hurt the ship that anchored you at time and the times you had before ours, let us make a extra step to our own Heaven and to the one hand that has shape the Heavenly board to this day of destruction so that one (Us) would live together in peace. so i Roger Grant asks can we live together in peace. our house keeps the back open and lets the friends enter without knocking. just open the gate and slam the door behind you.
The Last Step is a Miricle Mile
The tears that fall are collect twice over the cup the twice the lips the place the evil man beside us. he walks and talks, twice the distance of his Fathers prints for Her day is against the sand another man cannot win. they come back and sweep the land that dirt od destruction building up a the bases of fort climbing over just to get in. the breadth is 333 yards and one step to come forth from the middle to end from beginning then. you win without knowing the last step to show.
The Woman Anchored to Her Man
the deserts Lanscape stretches miles and miles afar. much like the waves of the sea upon the sand of this shore. and the only way to be sure is to understand the prints they are underneath you are standing against the Heavenly anchor that weighs the earth down.
Spiritually Incapable
the one without love only loves themselves. the one that God had made unto man became the symbol of water and time, the dragon that made Heaven from the falling of rain and the light of thereafter that seeks revenge over the their actions that bring every deed to nothing and if they shall breathe the air that we commanded them not to then give to Dave the things he has given to his own enemies the things that are given to the fires of Hell for discreating God's Holy Temple with too many words that mean nothing to anyone and to host false doctrines that honor cowards and liars into Our Kingdom so that they would feel the pain and suffering of all the fires in flamed to their own body that cannot be put out unless God would make an alter from their own body and light it on fire as the last Prophet did when faith was tempted by them who are too righteous and spiritually incapable
The Heavens Place (Planet) One Over the Other
Becky reaches from a distance of three light years away to find a glorified day beside God's intention so that one is the others wish. and they will fall in love from across dimensions for the two knew each other on the same street as children of God.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Do as God Says
do as God says no matter how terrible it may seem. the Lord has sent to you the Holy Spirit of God through you who has understanding in all spiritual affairs. and if you would deny the Holy Spirit, it would be blasphemous. God can only stand up for so long before your actions become a reaction of your own ignorance. a boy was bullied for a long time and the mother told him to kick that bullies' balls back inside his stomach, but he didn't, and that bully ended up getting his sister pregnant and making him watch the child for free. while they go out and have sex in a motel room so that he can watch another child just like him.
The Father in Heaven as it is on Earth
when the end comes they will it because all the children will refuse to return to earth in that day for them that still keep corruption in order and will not change the ones that stood against Me were lawyers, Bankers, and Border Patrol Agents that were trying to kill Me but end up killing their self's and their own family tree as i escaped the Blight of Heaven or the blinding light of God's countenance in God's Justification to whom is the Magik of God's gift to three religions that had come together for this one day in the Trinitatus, or Legion four in Roger's victory over the Heavens above who had created Me and this earth as public enemy number one, when they all came to destroy mankind but Roger had stopped them in their tracks as i destroyed their world and recreated from the tops of every mountain that had fallen into the Valleys of Death and as i Roger had leveled every city to every sea that did not receive in Him or Her two Me, Who was, Who is, and Who will be the Father on Earth as She is the Mother in Heaven. so that tomorrow may become a better day for both of them in Heaven and on earth as it is in Heaven.
The Meet of God's Children
their is a day that reflects the last of its kind, here is wisdom no man can return without understanding. nor will be any confusion tomorrow. for the first of many curses have crushed though God's promise that is kept with Roger the Last Prophet for the morning to come and the evening to see the lonely street of God's heart were the hardness is the day that must be forgotten or the day that many people meet to find love among the only way the palace meets. and if the day could be resurrected from the dreams of this world. it is not far from here to know were the gods had fallen before us today holding back down to this world the ante or the wage of their own actions that can never be change so i Roger Grant will pull these weeds from the ground that we walk on and these weeds will be put forth into fire that was built before the day was over, and if you are still fighting Me Roger you will never get anything good that i have gave to the world for doing good. for helping Me to restore the Kingdom of God.
Lords of God's Day
the days are solo, and the two days meet on the morning skies of Heaven where the two will stay with God and the day for Allah the Love that supports the new Heaven that can rest today as a child to this world. she is the new Mother of that day that could not carry the whole wait of their own time. so God knew the day to fall beside her war-torn heart that builds tomorrow for her children to meet in the cloud's heaven.
The Eastern Bay and Merchant Lobby
Jesus is returning the first generation with the Son of Jesus and the First round given to the Holy Father in the light that healed the world twice from the works of God's day under Allah the Mother and the Father of Heaven who is child and the Mother return for this day. and the teen will be awakened under the new sky of Budha that held the new and the day for both to two come through. and the Arabian Kings will sing great songs for this day and the day that returned before this day was given to the kings of the east who return in bazaar as the first risen from Hell and the first fallen from Heaven that held this day as scroll all-round the world that never could break this seal before the last is given to know that one will be the dive interaction of God's lips that speak the tune of a sound of ta flute that fell into the waters of a river filled with gold and this will initiate the father s child and the men before they were given the House of Chin and the House of Kim who are the Brothers of two Heaven becoming one and this will receive the child in the winds of Heaven that never caught the breath of God's kin so this was born in the way word wind. the sun brought the the slaves to God and the mountains broke a capstone to the given to the world world so that we all can see the next of kin to the west.
The Santa Clause of God's Window
the Santa of Clauses is ti hold back the tears of God's Day recorded and the list is as the day was before but now you are the mother and father of Holidays as the day was extended past the 6th and the last of forty days.
The More Memories Street
the day is left open to hold on to the gate that yesterday did, and i Richmond will fall from Heaven to find my Matriarch the House that yields the abundance of fruit from the heart and from the house connected to Grant. many will come for their new love and begotten from many Houses that receive many more children. there is Chris at a holy street as it was given to happiness and many more families that meet.
The First Generation and Return
the first generation of Heaven is given to the year of 2040 Dave Koresh is set for another day to come in St. Louis with his adorable wife Denice. let them have this time in the eyes of God marriage set for the and now. the funniest women is coming back she is a second mothers open ion to this love given to know understand and truth that never can never be left alone by us once again and the day is still in the arms of Richardo. let her and her children seek movie stars in the Hollywood. there is happy light that is given to my son Roger Grant that holds the hands of God and the day that i am born as Richard this a day riding high among the good in life that we never had and these eyes will be given to us again under the Heavens said Patsy to Lucille Ball, and the General Powell will walk in the line of many honored as they did before as the union of hand and to the United States of honor unto the White House.
Monday, February 12, 2024
The Valley of Death
The Mark of The Beast (Man)
Heaven is the Woman holding our hand into the wilderness after seven years of war that tore apart the outer rim of our Heaven🧿after 6000 years in Heaven the six-day war that was going to last 10,000 years had ended. when it should of ended long ago when Our Father Zeus had victory over the last containment of God's that defiled themselves and desecrated the Spirit of God's Temple (telepathy). and after the victory over them they would end up destroying their own world for talking too much of nothing that got every person annoyed. they would lie, and worse, doubt what people had said in God's temple. when we got into the wilderness, we stayed for 3.5 days in the fourth and then in the fifth Heaven for 3500 years waiting for the Son of Man and the Sons of God (Woman) to meet the Daughters of Men on to this earth as it is in Heaven. for the ones that were fighting Roger the evening when Roger the Demon King fought with the Almighty Zeus Who is Wise and the King of Gods and won victory after victory through Battles in Heaven and Who is the Son of Man and who is the Son of Roger who now is the Father. a Red Dragon had appeared in search of swallowing the man-child who was and is born from His Sisters Head (Who is God) from Her duality at bay that hid the man-child for 3.5 years for who was and is half in and half out protected by God and by the marked by the number of the beast which is human number a number (666) known to the first Rock of Apachean, and the number given to the second Rock of Ukraine (555) this mark means protection and only one should bear it in case two people who are invulnerable fight each other.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Why Do Christians Persecute Me
we all are Satan and are enriched to go to Hell. who among us who would say they would not bow down to the Christ today? are we that big of hypocrites? who are never knowing the plot. and at the same time saying i am the one who kills mankind or the world. i bring the truth of who we are, and we are not just a people on earth but a worldly people that i have chosen as my own. and today they will blame Me instead of themselves. they say that who we are in America are represented by the people who write false indoctrinate about God when they never knew Me, or any day that was given to us for destroying this earth. i am that one they point every finger to but yet they never know the solution of helping us today. are they just impotent that say things and do nothing to get paid and never try to do anything but lie about it? they write and question people that never what was done then but they still think that they are going to lie and change the world.
What God has Done for Me
i had done so much for God i cannot even write everything she has done for Me. for she is the hidden proof that God is good and just as good is measured exactly like evil it is as hard to be seen doing good as it is to be seen doing evil. and those who have fought Me wither they thought i was good or evil but acknew it or not through what was good giving us a bad name under heavens.
Saturday, February 10, 2024
The Man without God's Blessing
when Her day is given to reach back unto Heaven the man will be there for Her that opens the door and follows Me unto the supper table. the supper table of God's patience and the day that will never end at noon or mid night but only to when the lord would stop having faith.
The Taking is the Gift of Them leaving
the house is divided by their actions, and the day is absent without them. i have given to them everything that i can give but love that brings forth the last window to hang and taken is the light that starts in the heart for the time that is the morning, and her heart is the early noon that is replaced from Heaven, and they belong to us because of their spiritual practice that used to take our spirit and use it to fill a vessel so far away that that time is only a moment for us but unto them it is a whole generation and two generations that is to come here as a chosen but was were not. there spirit conscience deceived them in the eye of their God who is Roger the Father of Heaven who disciplines the few chosen but unchosen,
The Heavens Had Chosen Them
and then thirst of the Last became them and the Heavens a bowed down unto the world that had held this gift of Gods brother that made one land desolate from Hell. and the two came from the Africa and the last was given to them with a ship or a foundation to earth for they were trying the third of Heaven and Roger returned that the holding of Johana that is within the best that Roger is becoming and sharing to this world that will fall without Roger's blessing and they who know Roger must find their own day alike their own for Roger is not the one who wondered but He worked the field when no one else did. this blessing will fall unto Roger Grant and the third will swallow the earth and their roots will separate for their flame and the second return came from earth and their third of Heaven who is the moon light of Heaven and their name is Carolyn Bohem and she will return unto this time a new world with the galaxy Andromeda from whence she belonged before you had killed Her because she is the world creator beside Roger Grant who is their Father as She is The Mother of Heaven. her name is Tiamat and the World fell apart because we could find another day to these that held the place for them who held the hell fires to their own war called the Apocalypse and Armageddon. where the mother and Father alone took the Hells for their Children. but their day is now in search for peace when they thought Roger and Carolyn Grant were there worst enemy and they fought the only killer of our earth, but they just died together in the Garden because who only should protect Roger is God Herself. David Agnew, Ricky, and Ronnie, Todd, Greg, Gilbert, Steve, and Van Winkle are the restless winds that cannot stop until Roger stops speaking the Word of God that can never stop until i stop speaking the Words of God.