Saturday, February 24, 2024

Three Rivers New Mexico

 let us hold this mid guard for Zeus who is to return it to Thor and from Thor to Odin and from Odin to Jasper the Hunter and Bowman of this 5th and 6th season for the two Asian female hunters Fe and Fein resting on the last first and last day of the resting in that season, that were named by a great event that happened in that season before today. the hunt is a happy place that is found in the grounds of the four corners area. the living water that are flowing freely out of the three rivers in New Mexico Ψ the sign of the third fourth and fifth Heaven or the Trinity above and below a time before and after the Maxims that i write today. 

 ☧rophecy ☧hilosophy ☧oetry SるX

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