Friday, February 23, 2024

The False Prophet, Beast, Anti-Christ, and Son of Perdition

 the time is now when birth pains are going to increase, because Roger Ramos Grant Who became The Father of Heaven had spoken with the Word of God and who is the only one who can read from the Book of Revelation that were sealed before the beginning of Time. and because of all the signs pointing to this man Roger Grant Leader of God's Army who has the marked of the beast the mark of protection that if any harm is done to Roger Ramos Grant, then what was done shall be increased 77,777-fold to whom recorded the date and time of our New Beginning. He is the Angel that Fought with the Dragon (Woman) in Heaven and brought us home a victory during the six-year war in the spirit against the Heavens above, a victory for Mother Earth. Roger Ramos Grant is the resurrection. the incarnation and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. and who is able to wear this man's sandals that are outside the cave of the burning bush.

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