Tuesday, February 20, 2024

No Body Will Know God Until God Knows

 have you known God? have any God suited your presence? did you love the one that loved you first? and if God was to be her on earth you would say i don't know you? and while you pretend to be God. God is left alone to fend for himself the things that we could never do. but if i would tell you about myself then you would kindly disagree because you belie that who you are inside is the true Me. but those who leave God in the streets looking for food is a people that had done God wrong long before God would destroy that place and the way of life that had been so fraudulent that they had themselves placed on the streets so that God would return unto Us in Heaven. and to conquer another person's destiny is to destroy your own family tree. because i had returned and no one knew God, not even i, who was God.

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