Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Heavens Had Chosen Them

 and then thirst of the Last became them and the Heavens a bowed down unto the world that had held this gift of Gods brother that made one land desolate from Hell. and the two came from the Africa and the last was given to them with a ship or a foundation to earth for they were trying the third of  Heaven and Roger returned that the holding of Johana that is within the best that Roger is  becoming and sharing to this world that will fall without Roger's blessing and they who know Roger must find their own day alike their own for Roger is not the one who wondered but He worked the field when no one else did. this blessing will fall unto Roger Grant and the third will swallow the earth and their roots will separate for their flame and the second return came from earth and their third of Heaven who is the moon light of Heaven and their name is Carolyn Bohem and she will return unto this time a new world with the galaxy Andromeda from whence she belonged before you had killed Her because she is the world creator beside Roger Grant who is their Father as She is The Mother of Heaven. her name is Tiamat and the World fell apart because we could find another day to these that held the place for them who held the hell fires to their own war called the Apocalypse and Armageddon. where the mother and Father alone took the Hells for their Children. but their day is now in search for peace when they thought Roger and Carolyn Grant were there worst enemy and they fought the only killer of our earth, but they just died together in the Garden because who only should protect Roger is God Herself. David Agnew, Ricky, and Ronnie, Todd, Greg, Gilbert, Steve, and Van Winkle are the restless winds that cannot stop until Roger stops speaking the Word of God that can never stop until i stop speaking the Words of God.

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