Friday, February 16, 2024

The Days of the Lord Returning

 when Heaven opens the day will be heard and the land will continue to grow under my feet as we come upon the master's pale horse that honor only God's word that is given to the Prophet Roger Grant so Heaven can hear the prayers of God's on earth praying for Roger Grant. our Gods are on high, and they are given the Highest Mountain of God to speak from that time on to hear. to my message. i am from the Seed of David and the House of God had trembled at Roger's mount that was changing from Pegasi to Dragon and from Dragon to a bull-headed Ki Rin that would spiral behind one another until all would reach their own cave of destiny. without a time, the four and twenty beasts became the only beast that was made in man's image for the spirit of God that was flying over the waters that was about to come and sweep us away. but Roger had changed the prophecy so that we could see the face of God in our own Children who is in Us today. have faith in Me today so that God can work through you and speak on the highest mountain for the surrounding the lands that hear the Word of God through Christ Roger the Western Christ. the four horse men change into woman and the woman change into warriors and fall back down onto earth seeking for the Kings of this earth to step forward and become renown, but the world did not accept Me as who i am and they were destroyed. who can fight the Beast or the Demon Seed of Heaven. because the mark of the beast is put onto his flesh as a curse to this earth that cannot die or see death until the fulfillment of Roger's Day is complete. someday we will get up to 9ft in height and some may have six fingers and live up to 400 years of age.

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