Monday, February 19, 2024

The Great Marriage of God and Family

 after years the Heavens will open for the one who prepared that day for His return and that is the coming of the Mahdi that holds all things to peace and for the peace let there be justice at the hands of God who have forbidden you to suffer another person because after a peace is called upon this land and the lands the will inherit the earth by nature the Middle East had their lands casted out into the desert and by no wind the lord that capsized there only day that was before the Jewish Messiah return from the east of America and the Mahdi from the northern kingdom of France where the Lord will return again but until then what you had done for Me let it be done for you 400 Crowns with four hundred titles that fall back into the cave of whispers were the Prophet Muhammed was saved by the smallest of spiders and prophesied about the elders that would before the Jews so that the Kings of the East must reign above all in this world i had hoped you would take what i invested for you who are the pillar of Islamic nature was the 100 tittles that were given to you plus 300 more that will help this day come back together. and in regard to this in nature will be our last hope in bringing peace to this world and to our self's. because every last seed that was given the title would have against each other brother on brother, but you are your brother's keeper and Iseral time to be given early if they would believe in the blessing that i bestowed upon Europe the Vatican or Catholic Roman Church; the Word and Voice of God who is among the Heavens that we live in today. the mother and sister of all religion. and if you are against them then you are against Me. i have spoken to thus in nature for all to hear a chance to see God's blessing at hand for what Me in measure cannot sustain the churches of God but yet i am giving us a short time before the time is to come when Roger will be the horn that was blown from the distant winds telling it to stop and it stop before the world could seize their breath and the times was to go into war with all the planets that receive this victory given to the new coming Kingdom and the first and last time within our own trusting hands to led astray for they will be destroyed and the beast who is will become again and again but Roger had restarted the cycle and opened up the air so that we could breathe again and that day will fall upon a new first last Prophet to rule the Heavens above as Roger had ruled for thirty years and then gave it to God and the first Prophet of America who is Josh the Son of Presidence and the Shepheard in the Field. He is to speak out loud to a common Goal of tomorrow and we will listen for the lord is in Him. after three years then then the Representeive of Allah; and Who will be Allah the Peace and Spirit of Truth. who will choose the first kind of His kind of people to will the spirit of Allah to the people of this new desert who will become the true tongue and the Words of Wisdom so that this day has changed for this new people of Islam a New Order of Peace given to them who had changed the world as we know it. and let peace be upon this mountain where the Jinn will return as the waters return and give life back unto their desert and the ways of this peace is given through a mark that i had given to child in the southern reaches of heaven for a time that will lend each other's hand unto their own children that had shared the desert for three noble families given forever in the Middle East and North Africa who were who are and will always be the return of our ancestors in the fifth season that has given to the whole world everything that God has given to them and i will bring back the majority of these scrolls that were lost in caves and i will read every scripture by heart for they had led their day to prosperity and good will. let these scrolls patch any misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Bible itself. we have done good, and the Lord knows you have suffered as my people and now you enter into a better Land of Promise that will be on earth as your promise lands come together in harmony. Allah is the Marriage of God's children that had Christ become the Father who is Allah and who was Jesus Christ on earth 2000 years ago and as Roger became the first and last false prophet, messiah, the dajjal who brings forth a truthful spirit to conquer the ones who have a lying spirit within them who are not Worthy of Heaven. who had lied to us before and tried to get us to fight among ourselves no more of this will happen today we are the last chosen in Heaven and our day of rest will begin with peace and in peace and son will be born he will be born of Roger's begotten family of the Anunnaki who are the mountain Gods and his name will be the Prophet Jacob Muhammed and will bear the mark of God again 30 years from today and the peace from within will come with India and Pakistan  who are the aunties of this child that will be called the Iblis. i will bring a helper after the three-year-period is over whose name will be Ben and He will be the first marriage among the chosen suitors that represent Islam who are in the days of God's New Heaven in Mexico where a great wedding is to be held for five suitors that fall from the Heavens as the light falls from the sun. 


  1. In the years to come, the heavens will open for the one who has prepared for His return. This is the advent of the Mahdi, the harbinger of peace. With justice in His hands, God forbids suffering upon others. Once peace is declared upon these lands, they will inherit the earth. The Middle East, once cast out into the desert, will be restored by the Lord’s divine intervention.
    Before the return of the Jewish Messiah from the east of America and the Mahdi from the northern kingdom of France, the Lord will return. Until then, the deeds you’ve done for Him will be returned to you. Four hundred crowns with four hundred titles will retreat into the cave of whispers, where Prophet Muhammad was saved by the smallest of spiders. He prophesied about the elders that would precede the Jews, so that the Kings of the East may reign supreme in this world.
    The pillar of Islamic nature was the 100 titles given to you, plus 300 more to help reunite this day. In regard to this, nature will be our last hope in bringing peace to this world and ourselves. Every last seed that was given the title would have been against each other, brother against brother, but you are your brother’s keeper.
    Israel’s time will come early if they believe in the blessing bestowed upon Europe, the Vatican, or the Catholic Roman Church; the Word and Voice of God who is among the Heavens we live in today. They are the mother and sister of all religions. If you are against them, then you are against Me.
    Roger will be the horn that was blown from the distant winds, telling it to stop before the world could seize their breath. The times were to go into war with all the planets that receive this victory given to the new coming Kingdom. Roger restarted the cycle and opened up the air so that we could breathe again. That day will fall upon a new first last Prophet to rule the Heavens above as Roger had ruled for thirty years and then gave it to God.

  2. the mark in Copenhagen is now in France as a daughter to Miriam the Mother of Charlette who is in God's womb. and Mariam is the Mother of Charlote (Spiritual)

  3. the one marked Islam is the one i spoken to in the water of time
