Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Miracle Mission

 in the end there be 12,000 Angels that will return after a great battle in heaven that started today with Roger (Unforged Iron Rod) it took us six years to fight and destroy what we came to do but if we do not take our heavens back then no one returns until we all have died. and the Angels that stood outside of Heaven had taken heed and went to their own origins to destroy what was infecting us today and then at the end Roger will let them in and honor them who were sent out four years ago. and when they make it back, they will have a Whole New World Order awaiting since the days of their return. this can lead unto the last of the last times that enter our domain with security and trust for their wife children, they will be brought to here and create the biggest Heaven in this Universe that have a protected market on both sides that stay open 24/7. and if anyone would need food right here in our universe, shall they get rest and be fed before they move on or live among us today.

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