Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Outer Earth's Kingdom

 when the light of Heaven Demetres upon One Moon i will be inbound while the sun above pulls the WIND and the FIRE and WATER and the EARTH back to its original state and form of innocence towards the midst of all mankind to be as one image in nature or to be hypocritical and unnatural to our intelligence as a separate subhuman species coming forth in view from this moment to catch the Heavenly Body of Diocese. the forth coming of God's Day away prior to ours on Hearth; that was wiped away five times before the last one became noticeable. or new to all who never became the fortieth system in this new Heavenly Universe that has a twin system that i created so that we would become blessed on earth as well in Heaven. for the day at hand and before what was known to be as the Father of Heaven was to become who Roger became in the Presence of God who is the Mother and Father of All Heavenly beings. Amen.

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