Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Galatic Waltz is Universal

 Waltzing the Cosmos

the Planets that keep dancing over and over in a Ball Room that was created by Me so that we could waltz forever.

take my first Waltz Marney from the skies below. in and out of the spiral and when we dance, we return with each other partner! hi Kelly Lester my old neighbor  i see you helping Me in doctrine the new words of a women time have no worry or important to her so it will be with man who is abducted in a Cosmic Waltz.

The Day of Our Ancestors Return

 when i dictate for the Heaven one is away from His body and in the clouds that man had given to us upon arrival from distant planets that will receive this flock that i Roger R Grant had folded to this day. the Heavenly number of God's Army the day dipped in blood the Holiest days of God's Day. that will not go unavenged, nor will anyone take from this Roger body until we had said so. let us prepare for this day to action this time that must see the face of God the hidden God of this Kingdom. for who is not like a knife may stand down and be replaced for this time cannot seed the unwilling heart of gold to be the light within this encasement that had already swallowed the time as Roger had set beyond the realms of people that hold on to all things true and for the time this taken as Gods time beyond our realm to crush this new threat that was the main sign of God returning and for one Heaven the next cannot live standing our we will die among our own time cut short.

Ancestors of this Earth for Tomorrow

when we could live a thousand years of age the knowledge of mankind was secure and able to listen to God. "For the times of today are right with man and animal we will live 400 years unto this earth for the time that it had taken us to live this far, and from our own mistakes did we learn how to survive. After the fifth day i had given to flood our time and seed from today to be as i had kept a record of and now my brother when we go into the clouds that sustain tomorrow as it did before on earth, to us Natives are the seeds of this earth the day to come. And we are laid into the earth so shall our burdens be laid to this earth as well; the mother of Heaven; the day to arise as a Son or Her daughter we have made it this far let us continue this journey. Said the Ancestors of us today that had lived through the times that were given to all in Heaven for the lading of our sister's heritage that had given to this world faith in structure and for those who hear Me will live a thousand years today for one is not of this earth but of God's Heavenly time above." said the Ancestors of our Native Ancestors. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Moon and Sun, Eye to Eye

 when we are in love someone you allow them to abduct you and take you to another place that you never knew. if a man is looking into yours before you had looked into their eyes then he likes you. his heart is filled with affectation and all you have to do is smile. Charisma is also a place for love to be looked upon within his own heart in the right places and you will find him charming. sometimes the moon could eclipse the sun if they only knew that they had a chance to abduct each other as the sun and moon dance every day and become one for the night sends Him a virgin the day send Her the light both day and night, that awaits cheek to cheek; eye to eye and sway, for in one month it will seem like a day.

Wisdom and Omnipotence

 there are two wells in the Garden, one is the dark waters, and the other is clear water. to see in the past, you would be in the dark waters that lead to the past while the clear waters lead to clear springs where the mothers are tending to their children today. and keeping us on the right track. 

i Roger Grant made it so the woman can only be the one who is in the present future. She is Wisdom and Omnipotent.

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Turtle Left and Returned in One Year

it has been said "do not worry about tomorrow because there is more to worry about today."

 let us live more so in the movement so that the past nor future may hurt us again. today is the only day that can change tomorrow and yesterday at one single time to yield concurrency.

the turtle Left and Returned one year from today.

The Exoplanet Roger had Created

 after the years have gone by, the day will be remembered as God had so for al to the love of God overwhelms those who do not know Roger nor anyone of Us who fought together. the paths were set between right and wrong they chose the right path just as i did when God had brought Me to this convergence upon a Delta or a Tropic line of Capricorn and Cancer where the two came together as one component in every element to restructure its own safety as the unbroken body, marriage and times that were inside one another before they became the first and the last time to return that held on to the religions that were never separated and children two in whom are the same in one another as the same branch had come together in threes that were spliced into two branches of the last tree that became first and the only Tree in that garden that stood alone and had one score or 20 different fruits that had been spliced twice in one season. and this season the Lord had placed it up three rivers in New Mexico 1. Fire 2. Water. 3. Spirit that stood alone on two earths same day at hand that was above and below the last and the first one born of this earth's wind and fire as three firmaments are and days that return unto Our Last One Marriage to become the First Elders of this day and they will be our children on earth, and the children of the  exoskeleton planet called Hearth that now reside in the exoplanet of earth outside our solar system.

The Dead Do Not Speak

this was their Heaven their day and their time to take control. but they sit around doing nothing but talking about how they are going to destroy this world through Me. but the words they speak do not make any since, nor does it help them understand the true nature of God.  it will take from them everything that they thought they had stolen but just as a morning appears what they thought was theirs, will be Roger's (Landlord) property the title holder in Heaven as well as it is on earth.  they will do what was expected of them to do and that is to create cities that are going to be occupied by Us in the near future, they are criminals that lied today about who they were and who they fought. they were against Roger when he had returned from the Wars in Heaven above who had destroyed merely all the Heavens in space above when fighting with the Dragon.

An Animal that is Cornered

 when you fight someone who is in the right no matter what happens they will win. when you push someone to the limit or corner them, they will have the strength of five and will fight like a wild animal, there will be no chance for you unless they escape. so do not force anyone that has their back to the corner to fight. nor force anyone to attack you who is stronger of the two or anyone else for that matter just make a hole for them to leave because the Holy Spirit may be with them.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Joan De Arc (Wings of a Deamon)

Joan De Arc (Wings of a Deamon Who is Silvia Mills Today)

 from a spark unto a flash that inhaled the light of day three times before We had poured out in grief and never understood the children that had cried out were abducted over Rianna the Heavenly Mother Who is my mother Rose in flesh; birth mother and as she had three children and suffered so i could suffer my wives unto birth the Heavenly birth given the right to earth as King of kings. but i say i am king from many Kings the Bastard Child that laid his mark upon the world and accepted to go into earth or go to Hell. for no one else has to suffer, but those who knew their fate while they were still living, they made war with Me again, and for the second and third time we had won, every Element of God's victory, and i Roger R. Grant, who is a Demon fought with God (The Dragon (Women)) this evening and brought victory to us all on Hearth. and the Priest on earth who are the abducted of Lilith Mother Deamon of Her Children who are the Priests of today. 

From Stone to Flesh

pray to the Angels of God in the fifth season when God will decide to return to earth as a human being in the image of them who were created alike from the Word of God;  rock, stone, bricks of foundation created by our fathers who were created from clay. we were made from the Words of God and from all the elements of the earth that became the flesh and spirit of God's promise today that we had spoken into existence. all the Angels have rejoiced and prayed for us to complete our mission. Amen.

The Angels of Heaven Hover Around Us

 set your foot firmly in a stream of faith that prays for themselves silently and for others out loud in a Church or Ceremony as an act of praying in the Spirit of God or through the Saints of the Most High. when you believe in what i say then you will calmly afloat above the waters of this stream and leap from atop of a Church and the Angels of God including yourself will become suspended in the waters and cornerstone of this Church that is above and below the Heavens where the marriage of God is given to all who believes that the Angels of God will carry them through the gardens of life and death before they are released back to sure footing.

The Beginning and Ending of Time

The Three Rivers

if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God while in our presence then never say that i am the Lord who delivered us from evil and the trespassing of our sins to stay in the past where i Roger R. Grant created the Western Gates of Hell to reside within the past or present and not future. we are now creating within the Three Rivers where today could only be the beginning or end of time.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Living in the Spirit of God

 i am a Prophet;  representatives of the Elect of God. when we are called we come to a time when we had forgotten about God and mankind, but still deserve to remember who we were before today and who we will be tomorrow, we are a race that i had created in my image to remember who we were and who i am among Angels on earth among friends that i know and do not know. i had to believe in whom i was in order for us to believe in Me today. and i did many miracles as the false prophet in the presence of God. i saved earth more than seven times while living today. and the Universe one time that i know of, i created our universe, our galaxies man and female who are twins, and i created as one universe. i was the Trinitatus Allah, Buddha, and God in one body and spirit that serves the Kingdom of God on Hearth. the Heavenly earth. and when i was the false prophet i was really God in title. i am the only one who is given a mark of the beast; who is protected by God the Almighty, i am all the Angels in the book of revelation of Jesus Christ because i was Him 2000 years ago, and i am Roger Ramos Grant today. i was the Prophet Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad; the first and the second witness to the Father in Heaven in Whom I Am. and, i am also your brother and son in the Spirit of Christ.

The Outer Earth's Kingdom

 when the light of Heaven Demetres upon One Moon i will be inbound while the sun above pulls the WIND and the FIRE and WATER and the EARTH back to its original state and form of innocence towards the midst of all mankind to be as one image in nature or to be hypocritical and unnatural to our intelligence as a separate subhuman species coming forth in view from this moment to catch the Heavenly Body of Diocese. the forth coming of God's Day away prior to ours on Hearth; that was wiped away five times before the last one became noticeable. or new to all who never became the fortieth system in this new Heavenly Universe that has a twin system that i created so that we would become blessed on earth as well in Heaven. for the day at hand and before what was known to be as the Father of Heaven was to become who Roger became in the Presence of God who is the Mother and Father of All Heavenly beings. Amen.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

If You Hate Me then You Hate this World

 Our time has lessened the weak and had given strength to the stronger. they are those who have been fighting Us since the beginning of time. they never seen Me so they assumed that i was their entire races color and not any other. are we not the ones who are going to sabotage our doing upon the earth as its own household. we are we still fighting these people that are fighting Me in Alamogordo, why have they not forgiven Me who never needs to be forgiven but placed into Heaven as an Angel that guards the Highest Kingdom to come, and they feel like this is their world and they are defending it from Me. Who has given it to the meek of this world. i came here to save this planet and not to destroy it. why are you hurting Us Who created the Heavens on Earth and the times that We had upon it to save what was worth saving. but you who have disregarded this blessing as an act of my sacrifice to be their own way out of sinning by misleading everybody from the truth. and the truth is that they had stolen $3,000,000 from Me. and they are trying to renege their contract from the Devil or Me who is thier master today and tomorrow unless they give it back. 

New Times Table

"N" Other Words

 0 * 1 = 0.

 1 * 0 = 1.

n0thing multiplied by thing =   n0thing             N * T = N 

 1 thing multiplied by 0 nothing = 1 thing             T * N = T

Our Right to Oppose

 studies at Stanford say we don't have free will. you have to be Priest to get that kind of choice, so we will settle with knowing right from wrong and doing what God has intended us to do and that is to say something when you're rightly opposing wrongdoing.

Monday, April 22, 2024

There is Only One Religion (God)

 one Religion and one God is given to become one Universe under God. one common thread or fiber of the same flesh and spirit that shall be human in the eyes of God who is Human as well born of a mother and father that is in Heaven. one Church under God is the fifth family tree. it is a tree that has many branches of different trees that are grafted to this tall tree that touches the Floor of Heaven with its height and width as deep as its roots. and every religion is grafted into this one tree or religion that is needed to nourish us with manna from Heaven the manna that rises giving every fruit of this earth to nourish its children.  

the Devil, Satan, and Demon are in the House of God that stands alone today. 

The Man Protects Her on the Sixth Day

 the evil is in man but today is in our hand to know man will not suffer anymore. nor they fall below their own heart that is set to make life better. it is our duty to understand the life of God to be a woman when we had thought she would be man and then an answer to our own day changing. but lift your head and give her praise for our day is in Her bosom. the world that is filled with dreams that would bring forth a new race that would be human and the course of man and woman becoming one in flesh one in spirit.

The Angels Rejoice

 the walk of man is the key to heaven opening to Me she is the mother of heaven and our wife. that had set the gates to open when man would return unto Her alone in Heaven as it is on earth. Heaven is the beast that must renown it courses among the distant places on earth that share the same rejoicing of God's hand for tomorrow when God has set us beside Her in Heaven and on earth.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Future is in Her Hands

down a deep passage unto Heaven as it was former. so shall our past and present timelines collide with today and never be able to change what was or what will be but will always keep in the same form as we had created it. and what shall fall shall also rise into the next form of being that is within our time today. for she is the creature (Time) and the present future shared only to a hand full of sons today who watch the Harem of God. i.e. Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. women were created in the evening of the fifth day which is today, to take their rightful place among the Stars of Heaven the stars at night.

Creature: the insect, the time jumper, the grasshopper. the only one who can stay in the future tense and present, who a woman. 

Old Friends of Ours

 i just find out that David Pettit a good friend of Carlos (Apollo) was a Ceasar. the Spirit of Ceasar is among Us today who understands and acknowledges that we were the first of last who shall return in God's name. 

P.S. Nolan is here right now as i try to tell him that he is Kokopelli. but was more moved by the fact that i just told him that i was Jesus Christ.

God is a Woman

 it was said in Asia that women will become God and man would redeem Her Spirit in Paradise praising Her with tears and smiles that warm the Heaven. they will say look at our mother and how beautiful and bright Her Gift of Wisdom is that shines from the Heavens down to earth. She made man in his own image and then she made woman in his image God made all beings greater and lesser, and then made them equal; man and woman. husband and wife. let no one break this bond of marriage or we will suffer from incompatible marriages.

The Former Things of Old Are New

to Day is a new, and all things that were in Heaven are now glorified in the name of God; old and new. i am the Trintitatus three Gods incarnated in One Flesh: and in One being. i am Buddha, Allah and God in one form. and the reincarnation of every God returning in every religion on earth at One time, that was, is, and will be the same up the three rivers of time. and Who i am then and now shall always be the Glory in Heaven forever and ever. Amen.

The Outside Spirit will be Cast

 for those who hear my voice will hear a secret that has been told a thousand times. and those who are here to harm Me will be taken away from this earth before the beginning of God hand in time for what was given to now shall surlily die a thousand deaths before i can die only once. 

let the House of Grant bring forth justice upon this day for that last time.

No One Dies Until God is Happy

 why must one die alone so that the others my rest in peace. in the house of God people will say to them we are different from the rest, but they knew otherwise, some will say that my house has been taken over by demons, that that is because we did not want the children of God to remember us as a family, but to sell us into seduction to the highest bidder, we will never be able to hear about our own children tomorrow, until we help one another today. let the youngest lady of the house marry someone from another house and keep him warm. she will be able to do her duty in sight of God and family for they under God's blessing and will need Heaven to hold on to them.

Our Brothers and Sisters our Family Tree

no has to die alone from the first family the two exited their own country in spite of God's honor for their own. and then the two mated and had children and then children who were before the coming and they had sisters that had brotherly love to Passover into the next life and one that was never seen but remembered through our essence. after the last children had left for marriage who will nourish the children that need their family to watch over them. this is promise of God to never let someone needy die alone or to die without someone who loved them. let the children live in their house with the sister and brother. Amen.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Bitch is Covered with Fleas

 the peace in Heaven is the grace of our Ancestor and the times that held Me for all to see the face of the father in Heaven. Rights of Heaven fall to our dogs but today every kingdom is Hers and We are the stars within Her body and the night that walks side by side and in her attire.

The Almighty is Our Wall of Defense

this day is no longer my own but of one body of three, every time that heaven returns, we never see God or any of the sounds with the good songs. the trials and forms that make the sidewalks of our street straight. do these wonderers find the angle of the lip spun in triangle. are they who come from? faraway looking for Me? now that you found Me? are you another coward the keeps their head down while looking for Me. do i hear a pause in your silence to be a threat? so why do you think your harder than Me. i could you burning after this challenge. let's pretend that i am not who i say i am.

The Civil Duty

 when no one could doubt the Words of God who are stronger than every day given to truth or wisdom that holds an entirety of conflict within these times of change that holds everything good within the limits of God's temple that had been here before the times returned under the wind of separation that would teach  Truth of Character, even when no one was going to believe the winds of change that had been given to this Generation on Earth to be left undiscovered or to becoming a lost civilization that had tried to return.