Saturday, March 2, 2024

A Time and the Times in Harmony (LLin LLang)

 The words of the prophet are like a song of three flutes and one feather, dancing without fear of the world's deceit. He carries the blessing of fertility on his back, in a satchel woven by his sisters from their own wool or from the flint of Stone. He knows the secrets of the Three Rivers that flows through Her sacred cave, where life is born in two cycles of winter. He journeys to the heart of the garden, where the cotton trees grow in Honor of America, a people who live in harmony with nature and peace. He follows the sun that rises from within his soul, and shares his gift with the midsummer bride, who bears him a twin in each season. He walks on the stones that sing with the Voice of God, and listens to the spirit that guides him to three realms. He offers his fruits to three rulers, who guard the three gates of the east. He joins his hands with three workers, who reap the harvest when the time is right.

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