Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Dead Enters into Hell on Fire

 the Day opened with light and every creature was blinded and the light killed a 1/5 of Heaven before they could rest. this day is given by Roger the Prince of Demons the Demon Seed of Heaven, who is the Father of every Heaven above and the light that kept the evil in Himself as they found that Roger was the last to be in Heaven before they could be in Hell and Roger told them that you will never enter a good place until you work as the would be changed by Heaven itself i am your Father and you fought Me because you stole more than this world you had taken money that didn't belong to you. and although you are rich you will never get away with what you had done. you burn in the Hells of Fire for eternity and this time will be seen for the Day will be seen or heard any more than the day will come upon as a good time given by God Herself. for your day will burn in Hell forever. now listen to those who honor you for dishonoring the Father in Heaven. for them are the light of destruction that carries them in nothing but Hell fast. the people of this world will die for them to believe in Heaven without Me on earth. the thirst is in you now and you do not quench you anger or your thirst you chase after the light and every land that hurts upon your own days return. you not allowed in our Heaven ever again. and your will pay your debt to Me and to Heaven forever until we tell you that you had done enough..

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